Monday, November 3, 2008

election countdown...

   So, the last presidential election I had to absentee vote because I was here in China for the fall semester of 2004. I remember watching it on the TV here and the days after when things were not totally decided for a while. 
  Early voting worked out great for me this year because I was able to vote before embarking on my adventures. But, I just realized in my attempt to schedule my flights around the election day (making sure I was not flying on the 4th), I made a mistake because on Nov 5 in China I will be in an airplane on the way from Shanghai to Hainan. Well, Nov 5 is the 4th for the States, when the results are supposed to be announced. So, guess I will be a little late in comparison to the world on knowing the results of this election. I can only imagine how much the election talk is in the news there, because it seems to be all around here!

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Good grief, you wouldn't even believe! I wondered the other day, as I was reading your blog, if you had thought to vote before you left..and you DID! YEA! See, thinkin' ahead...another reason I love you! :-) You're so cool!