Thursday, March 19, 2009

"dreams are the currency of the future"

   A big thank you to my wonderful dad who paid my overweight luggage fee so that I could READ. Yes, I brought some heavy intellectual stimulation in the form of books. It has proved to be fascinating so far to see how each one grows me so much!
   Yesterday while reading The Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly, I stopped within the first few chapters to write down some dreams. You know what makes me smile? When other people are living/thinking about/planning their dreams too.
-when a friend sits down with his brother to talk about their goals
-when the dreamer lands her summer photog gig
-when a friend tells me in the pool at my house one summer where in the world she was going to live... and she does it!
-when a friend drives cross country in pursuit of his dreams
-when a friend scuba dives Rotan Island to lobbying at Capital Hill and everything in between.
-when a friend moves to NYC
-when a friend nails a tough interview to land a sweet museum gig
-when a friend survives an accident, comes to know Christ, and redirects their life
-when friends find true love
-when friends and family nurture children - natural and/or adopted
-when a friend becomes a rock star
   "The pursuit of dreams creates passion, energy, enthusiasm, and vitality. One of the most powerful dynamics in relationships is trying to understand the other person's dreams and helping them chase and fulfill those dreams. Every relationship improves when we are mindful of each others dreams."

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