Monday, November 3, 2008


   oh my goodness. so i just was catching up on some blogs and stopped and realized: I can look at wordpress blogs! I didn't know wether to be excited or frustrated. Here is the deal, I started out with a wordpress blog and got so used to navigating it, and how easy it was to upload things and organize on it. When I was in Beijing this summer, I could not open my wordpress account OR look at any wordpress blogs. (I think this had to do with Olympic security).
   SO, when I started my adventure back over to Asia, I grudgingly decided to put up with continuing on the blogspot one I had to create out of necessity this summer. I knew that the latter part of my trip would bring me to China again, so I have been putting up with blogspot this whole time. When I realized tonight I was reading someone's wordpress account and I was in China! I was shocked, so I quickly tried to sign onto my wordpress account. It still WOULDN'T go. I don't understand. Anyway, I AM thankful I am able to read you guys blogs out there that are hosted by wordpress :) and look forward to finding a solution to my blogging preferences. 


Dianne said...

So you have my curiosity up to why wordpress is so much better than blogger...??? Just curious.

iamthird said...

like i said, i felt it was more organized, easier/faster to upload pictures and video, and more original layouts. and i guess I am biased because thats what i started out on and got used to. :)