Tuesday, October 7, 2008


What I did today:
   Toured the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea. Cool and crazy at the same time. My favorite quote from the tour guide. Pointing to a hill 100 feet behind us "here is the area 1 million land mines were dropped right before the cease fire. But don't worry, no problem."
  Me: really???
    Besides looking over into the North, we got to go in tunnel 3, one of the tunnels S. K found that is now blocked off before reaching the cease fire line underground.

What I am doing tomorrow: 13th PUSAN International Film Festival (www.piff.org

What I will be doing Friday: Passion World Tour will be in Seoul~ 
   In my inbox today:  "Here are your Passion World Tour Tickets"!!
I had no idea they were going to be here the same time.

What I am reading on the train to Pusan: Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin


Jenna said...

Oh I read Three Cups of Tea and really liked it! It was definitely a perspective about what's going on that you don't hear about on the news and such an awesome calling he has followed! Have fun and enjoy your travels and reading!

Anonymous said...

Wow Rach! What an awesome experience to go to Passion on the other side of the world!!! You should try to find Louie and tell him you went out just to hear him. ;) I miss you! Love you!